Brilliant and spot on video exposing all the tricks of the trade in making a corporate case study. Sorry, customer story!
Brilliant and spot on video exposing all the tricks of the trade in making a corporate case study. Sorry, customer story!
Great documentary from Clive Martin & VICE about Ibiza. I'm really pleased they didn't just focus on the clubbing, and showed the other side of island life. Glad to say I saw both sides when I visited this year, thankfully a little more of the nature side than the club side (!)
I was sad to hear of Jack Bruce's passing today. An amazing songwriter, vocalist and bass player. Cream was one of my all time favourite bands growing up, and I loved how the three of them had the audacity to self title themselves the 'cream of the crop' and form the first real superband. (A year before Jimi landed...)
For a trio of just lead guitar, bass and drums their sound was incredibly rich, even when live. And his jazz inspired bass playing just fuelled Eric's long wailing guitar solos, all whilst driven by the maniacal jazz/rock fusion drumming of Ginger. I also loved the fact that during a massive row (pre-Cream) Bruce swung a bass guitar into Ginger's drum kit. Rock and roll.