The Making of the Leica M9-P

Just watched this lovely 'making of' film for Leica via @hutchyaaronJust overwhelming craftsmanship on show - with a beautiful end product. This is why Steve Jobs would always refer to a Leica camera as a benchmark of beautiful design, fit and finish.

I love the way it's been shot too - just a series of simple close ups, very unassuming. Just showing in (extreme) detail each and every element coming together. Craftsmanship porn.

Everynone - Ball

Great new piece from Everynone, about anything round shaped, or more specifically ball shaped.

I don't know what's more impressive - the feat of researching, collating and editing all the images together so beautifully or the gorgeous sound design, seamlessly moving through all the sonic landscapes that are associated with these shapes.

Awesome Channel Idents!

Animade, an animation company I'm a big fan of, just brought out some very cool idents for a Ukranian children's TV channel. Just so simple, cute, funny and a real sense of playfulness. I wish I could watch that kids tv channel!

Favourite Batman sign?

I have to wait a few more weeks to see The Dark Knight Rises, so Batman is playing on my mind.

Here's a great little collection of some of the best Batman signs, nicely laid out too.

Via Reddit

And here's a little animation I saw a while back showing how they've evolved through time.